1st INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR, Concentrating Solar Power Plants & Energy Efficiency in Buildings: R&D Opportunities
The Seminar is organized by the National Centre for Studies and Research on Water and Energy (CNEREE) and the Moroccan Association of Thermal Sciences (AMT) with the partnership of the National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST) and the collaboration of the Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA), Spain.
Due to the increase of the national electricity demand, which is expected to double by 2020, a new energy strategy was stated in 2009. It includes the development of electricity production by means of concentrating solar plants and the implementation of energy efficiency in Buildings. Large-scale solar energy projects are initiated, which aim to generate 2’000MW by 2020. Since January 2010, a 470MW Integrated Solar Combined Cycle power plant is installed in Ain Beni Mathar, including 20MW of concentrating solar power plant. Another 500MW solar power plant is under consideration in Ouarzazate. On the other hand, a National Energy Code for Buildings is under consideration to provide technical requirements for the construction of energy-efficient buildings.
The goal of the seminar is to provide a forum for the exposure and exchange of ideas in two main topics:
1. Concentrating Solar Power Plants.
2. Energy Efficiency in Buildings
The current situation of the National Solar Energy and the Energy Efficiency Programs will be overviewed and challenges will be discussed. Experiences of leading European Countries (Germany, Spain and Greece) will be presented. Recommendations and concrete actions for R&D opportunities in Concentrating Solar Power Plants and Energy Efficiency in Buildings will be formulated during two workshops.