On behalf of the organizing committee, it is an honor and pleasure to welcome our guests coming from abroad and those local here In Morocco to the International Congress on Thermal Sciences organized in a partnership with different scientific partners within the field of thermal sciences at the core of energy transition. We are excited to continue our successful trend of the past seven editions, thus the 8th edition is organized from 25 to 26 April 2024 in Al-Hoceima. This congress will provide an excellent platform to exchange new scientific ideas related to the field of energy transition.
The 8th edition of this congress aims to analyze and suggest solutions to limit the environmental deterioration through a wise and effective use of energy consumption as well as to ensure energy security through energy transition. The program revolves around on three key themes (transitioning industries, Green Energy, Smart technology). Our speakers will share their insights on the latest developments in these areas and provide valuable perspectives on the road ahead. We also hope that this congress will provide a wonderful platform not only to keep up with the latest developments within the field of energy transition, but also to facilitate future collaboration across the before mentioned fields.
Thank you for joining us and we look forward to a productive and enlightening congress.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of these journals:
Defect and Diffusion Forum
ISSN: 1662-9507
Key Engineering Materials
ISSN: 1662-9795
Solid State Phenomena
ISSN: 1662-9779
Advances in Science and Technology
ISSN: 1662-0356
Materials Science Forum
ISSN: 1662-9752
Please note that:
- the papers should not have been published,
- Submitting such paper does not guarantee its publication, as it will be rigorously reviewed by at least two specialists pairs,
Conference topics:
- Heat and Mass Transfers:
- Thermodynamics
- Fuel and storage
- Thermal machines
- Plasma and applications
- Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency:
- Energy storage, energy conversion
- Energy systems and energy efficiency
- Green hydrogen and fuel cells
- Desalination and applications
- Materials for Energy and Environment:
- Advanced material characterization
- Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology
- Advanced Mechanics and Thermal sciences :
- Fluid mechanics
- Thermomechanics
- Computational fluid dynamics
- IOT and AI in thermal sciences
Deadlines and important dates :
Submission of full paper | |
25 February, 2024 | Notification of acceptance |
25 March, 2024 | Deadline for registration |
Instructions for papers presentation :
Authors are invited to submit their papers according to the congress templates, available here :
Please note that:- Submitted papers should be original work,
- All the submitted papers will be subject to a review process before acceptance,
Short Papers may be written in English or French, however, long papers should be written in good English. All papers should be submitted via this link
Instructions posters presentation :
Accepted papers will be presented either in oral or poster format regardless of the nature of the paper (short or long paper). The organizing committee of the AMT’2024 considers poster and oral presentations equal in all respects. The format of each presentation will be announced to the authors once the papers are reviewed. The poster session, will permit greater interaction between author and audience. Please prepare your poster presentation according to the template available here:
All exhibits have to be in English or French. Prepare a short talk of about 2-3 minutes that you can periodically give to those viewing your poster during coffee and lunch breaks.
Should you have any problems with your upload, do not hesitate to contact us.
General Chairs :
BALLI LAHCEN, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - ENSA Al-Hoceima
President of AMT’2024 congress
DRIOUCH ISMAEL, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University - ENSA Al-Hoceima
Vice-President of AMT’2024 congress
Steering Committee (Coordination Committee) | ||
Lahcen | BALLI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Ismael | DRIOUCH | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Mohamed | HLIMI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Mohamed | SAIDI HASSANI ALAOUI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Kamal | AMGHAR | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Said | EL KHALDI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Achraf | WAHID | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Kaoutar | KHALLAKI | Sultane Moulay Slimane University, ENSA Khouribga, Morocco |
Hamza | FARAJI | Cadi Ayyad University, ENSA Marrakech, Morocco |
Mounir | KRIRAA | Cadi Ayyad University, ENSA Safi, Morocco |
Lahcen | BOUKHATTEM | Cadi Ayyad University, ENSA Safi, Morocco |
Local Organizing | ||
Khaled | AISSAM | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Abdelouahab | AMAHMOUJ | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Mohamed | El HAIM | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
El Hassan | BARHDADI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Moussa | AADMI | Mohamed First University, FP-Nador, Morocco |
Dris | BAHIA | Mohamed First University, FSO-Oujda, Morocco |
Ahmed | BOUAJAJ | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Bousselham | SAMOUDI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, FS-Tetouan, Morocco |
Mohamed | El BOUJDAINI | Mohamed First University, FP-Nador, Morocco |
Rachid | TISKATINE | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Fouad | DIMANE | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Soufiane | TALBI | Mohamed First University, FP-Nador, Morocco |
Sara | NAAMANE | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Morad | EL KAOUINI | Mohamed First University, FP-Nador, Morocco |
Noureddine | NOUAYTI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Ahmed | ZIAN | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Achraf | EL KASMI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Hajar | IDDER | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, ENSAH, Morocco |
Ossama | EL ABOUTI | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, FSTH, Morocco |
Rochdi | RAIS | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, FSTH, Morocco |
Majid | ROCHDI | Mohamed First University, FP-Nador, Morocco |
Ahmed | FAIZE | Mohamed First University,EST-Nador, Morocco |
Mustapha EL ALAMI, Hassan II University, FS Ain Chok, Morocco
Chair of AMT’2024 congress
Kamal Amghar, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University,ENSAH, Morocco
Hamza FARAJI, Cadi Ayyad University, ENSA Marrakech, Morocco
CO- Chairs of AMT’2024 congress
Registration Form:
This<< AMT’2024 registration form >> should be filled in online.
At least one of the authors listed in the paper must register for AMT’2024.
Reduced Fees(Before March 15) |
Full Fees(After March 15) |
Public University | Students |
500 MAD |
800 MAD |
Academics |
1000 MAD |
1500 MAD |
Private University | Students |
1000 MAD |
1500 MAD |
Academics |
1500 MAD |
2000 MAD |
Maghreb | Maghreb |
200 Euros |
250 Euros |
Others | Others |
250 Euros |
300 Euros |
The payment should be made by bank transfer.
Bank transfer information:
RIB: 230780920539922101360013 CODE SWIFT : CIHMMAMC
Deposit or transfer slip must be scanned and sent with subject : Inscription_ID_000 (your paper ID) to: amtcongress@gmail.com
- Currency exchange or bank collection fees are the responsibility of the participant.
- The following information should be included on the bank transfer documents:
– AMT2024 Congress
– Name of the corresponding Author
- Registration includes the conference documents, coffee-breaks and lunches.
Keynote Lectures :
Développement et Mise en Place de Solutions de Stockage Thermique par les Matériaux à Changement de Phase : Applications Pratiques pour le Bâtiment
Prof. Zohir YOUNSI
Résumé :
Pour lutter contre les changements climatiques il est nécessaire de s’engager sur démarche de transition énergétique. En effet, il est nécessaire de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre par le choix du vecteur énergétique non fossile, d’intégrer l’efficacité énergétique et de recourir à l’utilisation des énergies renouvelables dans le secteur de la construction. Le recours aux technologies de stockage thermique est plus que nécessaire pour favoriser cette transition. Ces technologies stockent l’énergie excédentaire ou fatale afin qu’elle puisse être déstockée et utilisée pendant les heures de forte demande ou pour compenser les déficits d’approvisionnement. Les technologies de stockage par chaleur latente via les Matériau à Changement de Phase (MCP) sont plus agiles et offrent un stockage à plus court terme. Le développement de cette solution de stockage se heurte cependant à des verrous scientifiques et technologiques aussi bien au niveau des caractéristiques thermiques du matériau de stockage utilisé que de celles du système ou encore de son pilotage. Dans cette étude, nous exposons les principaux concepts de stockage par changement de phase, défis, dernières études et orientations futures.
Biographie :
Zohir YOUNSI, Professeur en Génie Civil, Enseignant-Chercheur à HEI (Ecole des Hautes Etudes d’Ingénieur – JUNIA), membre de l’équipe HABITAT ET VILLE INTELLIGENTE du Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement – LGCgE. Ses travaux de recherches sont centrés sur le stockage thermique, l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments et la qualité de l’environnement intérieur. Il a développé plusieurs dispositifs expérimentaux, mené différents projets de démonstration concernant le stockage thermique, la ventilation et la qualité de l’air intérieur, et coordonné plusieurs projets nationaux/européens sur ces thématiques. Ses travaux actuels visent, notamment, à s’intéresser aux bâtiments intelligents et au comportement des usagés en vue d’optimiser la gestion de l’énergie.
Impact de la RTCM sur la maîtrise des transferts thermiques au niveau de l’enveloppe d’un bâtiment
Mme Samira LAKHLIFI : Chef de Division des Energies renouvelables -AMEE-
Biographie :
Membre de l’unité chargée de l’élaboration de la règlementation thermique de construction au Maroc (RTCM)
Contribution au développement des dispositifs de formation sur les thématiques des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique
Encadrement et animation des sessions de formation pour les partenaires de l’AMEE sur les thématiques des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique
Réalisation des études et projets d’énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique.

The impact of air conditioners usage on electricity demand of buildings is an important matter as peak electricity load increases continuously, forcing the National Electricity Authorities to build additional plants. In parallel, serious environmental problems are associated with the use of air conditioning. In the Mediterranean traditional way of life, people developed empirical solutions (architectural and behavioral) to reach a minimal level of thermal comfort. However the rapid growth of income induces higher comfort requirements, which is mostly achieved through the use of electric air-conditioning equipment, especially in “modern houses”. This leads to a significant increase in energy consumption and consequently in greenhouse gas emission.
The use of passive and low energy systems in buildings for natural refreshment and heating is one of the key solutions for sustainable buildings. The building’s envelope has to be designed in order to point out a synergy between a climate adapted envelope and the use of the passive/low energy systems for cooling/heating. This keynote lecture presents the results of more than 10 years research in Energy Efficiency in Buildings performed in the frame of 3 R&D funded projects: RafriBat, ECoMatAF and PPlaME. The first project focused on case study of some passive and low energy systems for air refreshment and heating in residential buildings in the hot semi-arid area of Marrakech climate zone. The Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger (EAHX), which is one of the interesting low energy systems studied in the RafriBat project, will be presented. An eco-friendly construction developed in the ECoMatAF project will be presented. The first results of PPlaME project related to the demand-side-smart-energy-management in residential buildings to improve their occupants photovoltaic electricity self-consumption.
Project Acronym: RafriBAT
Passive Solar Systems for Buildings Air refreshment in Marrakech
Funded by: Hassan II Academy of Sciences and Techniques, Program PARS 2010
Budget: 3M MAD (salaries excluded)
Running Period: 2012-2020
– Energy Process Team, LMFE, FS Semlalia, UCA Marrakech, Project Leader
– Lab. EnR2E, CNEREE, UCA Marrakech
– Lab LP2M2E, FST Gueliz, UCA Marrakech
– Heat Transfer Group, FSAC UH2AC Casablanca
– Elie Mouyal Architect,
– Private Companies: GMTA for Thermal Systems, ISTICHAR design office.
Environment-friendly and energy efficient construction Materials based on treated agro-fibers and clay binders stabilized with innovative technologies
Funded by: IRESEN, Program Green InnoProjects 2018
Budget: 3M MAD(salaries excluded)
Running Period: 2020-2025
– ProcEDE laboratory, UCA Marrakech, Project Leader
– Semi-public technical center : CETEMCO Casablanca
– Private Company: SBBC Berrechid
– GSBP – GEP UM6P-IRESEN Benguerir
– Hamid JAGHOUAR & Hicham ANOUAR, Architects, ARCHI33
– GMTA for Thermal Systems, ISTICHAR design office
Project Acronym: PPlaME
Planning and Management of Energy performance in green buildings
Funded by: OCP Foundation, Program APRD20
Budget: 7.65M MAD (salaries excluded)
Running Period: 2022-2025
Prof. Brahim BENHAMOU, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech, PI & Project Coordinator
Prof. Hassan RADOINE, School of Architecture Planning and Design, UM6P, Benguerir: co-PI
– ProcEDE laboratory, UCA Marrakech, Project Leader
– School of Architecture Planning and Design – SAPD, UM6P Benguerir
– School of Science and Engineering, Al-Akhawayn University Ifrane (AUI)
– GSBP – Green Energy Park, UM6P-IRESEN Benguerir
– Hamid JAGHOUAR & Hicham ANOUAR, Architects, ARCHI33
– ADAI Coimbra University Portugal.
Nom de l'Hôtel | Catégories | Adresse /Tél./Fax/e-Mail/Web | Prix(MAD)/Personne |
La perla | Hôtel 3 * | Bd Tarik Ibn Ziyad 32000 Al-Hoceima Maroc Tél:+212 539 98 45 13 Whatsapp:+212 640 41 42 91 |
Single: 400 Avec petit déjeuner |
Double: 250 Avec petit déjeuner | |||
Triple:250 Avec petit déjeuner | |||
Quadriple:250 Avec petit déjeuner | Suite Junior:700 Avec petit déjeuner | ||
Maghreb Eljadid | Hôtel 2 * | 56,Bd.MohamedV,Al Hoceima Maroc Tél:+212 539 98 25 04 Fax:+212 5 |
Single: 400 |
Double et triple: 150 | |||
Double et triple: 100 | |||
Glamour | Hôtel 3 * | Rue Moulay Abdallah N° 5,Al Hoceima Maroc Tél:+212 808 50 85 86 |
Single: 300 |
Double: 120 | |||
Triple:120 | |||
khozama | Hôtel 3 * | Angle les Almohades & Al Andalouss 32000 Al Hoceima Maroc Tél:+212 539 98 56 69 |
Suite : 400 |
Single:300 | |||
Double: 125 | |||
Triple:100 | |||
La Parla Bleu | Hôtel 3 * |
Tél:+212 633 62 24 79(Mounir) |
Single: 120 |
Double: 120 | |||
Triple:120 | |||
La Marina | Hôtel 2 * |
Tél:+212 633 62 24 79(Mounir) |
Single: 100 |
Double: 100 | |||
Triple:100 |
Conference Venue :
The conference will be held in the National School of Applied Sciences of Al Hoceima.
Location map of the school of applied science of Al Hoceima:
Contact :
BP. 03, Ajdir, Al Hoceima, Morocco
Tel/Fax: +212 539805712/+212539805713
Contact mobile phone numbers:
Pr. Balli Lahcen, ENSA Al Hoceima: +212 661 397 914
Pr. Driouch Ismael, ENSA Al Hoceima:+212 664 273 578
Email Address :